Ep.367: Apocalypse in Babylon.

Hello, I’m Daniel Westfall on the channel “Pray With Me”.

In Revelation chapter 17, the apocalyptic season of visions ended with a cliffhanger: the beast was preparing to destroy the prostitute Babylon and launch a war against the lamb and his people. 

Chapter 18 opens a season of visions. But it doesn’t start where the old season left off. It begins with a massive spoiler, telling us how the story ends. Instead of continuing the story with the bloody details of wars and machination, it prophesies the downfall and destruction of Babylon, the evil empire. 

Let’s ask three questions. 
   Who is Babylon?
What did she do wrong?
And what is her future? 

First, who is Babylon? 

In the Old Testament, Babylon was a world power with an unbeatable military and unimaginable wealth. It was a hub of world trade and luxury, and home to the world’s tallest building—a temple dedicated to the god Marduk. 

Fast-forward to the gospel era. Rome is the new Babylon. A military power, wealthy, steeped in luxury, arrogant, and decadent. 

What can we describe as Babylon today? Just look for the tallest buildings in the world, temples where the modern gods of luxury and trade are worshiped. Like the World Trade Center in New York, China’s Shanghai Tower, and the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Or look at our super malls, temples of consumerism. Or look at expensive gated neighborhoods surrounded by oceans of favelas. Today, Babylon is everywhere. 

Next question. What has Babylon done wrong? I think verse 7 reveals John’s answer. He says,
    In her heart she boasts,
        “I sit enthroned as queen . . .” (Rev. 18:7)

Babylon is the nation that manages its own affairs and plans its own destiny without reference to God. Babylon is the nation that masters its world, that builds its own kingdom instead of God’s kingdom. 

Last question: What is Babylon’s future? John does not offer hope that China will at last make Communism work. Nor does he predict success for the “Make America Great Again” campaign. 

Instead, he predicts that soon, in Babylon, lights flick off, music and dancing stops, trade ceases, and military power ends. The frenetic activity of the great city will turn to Sabbath rest. Not a rest that Babylon chooses, but a rest of quiet desolation and destruction imposed by the judgment of God. 

Let’s pray. 

O Lord, we live in a fantasy land. Where nations define themselves by war and violence and luxury. Where wealth is king and trade is queen, where the high priests of consumerism promise happiness and success. 

Save us, good Lord, from Babylon. For we know the end of her story. When you finish writing this chapter of history, when music is silenced and trade has ceased and  kingdoms are bankrupt, bring us safely into your everlasting kingdom.


I’m Daniel, on the channel “Pray with Me”.  

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