Ep.372: Strangers and Aliens, Part 1.

Hello. I’m Daniel Westfall on the channel Pray with Me. o.Hello. I’m Daniel Westfall on the channel Pray with Me.   

Scripture calls Christians strangers and exiles on earth, because we are looking for a country to call home (Heb 11:13). This reminds of an immigrant family we recently met, exiles from Ukraine, foreigners to Canada, people without a country.

Here’s the story. In the fall of 2022 I had my cancer surgery, followed by four grinding rounds of chemo. This wiped me out for much of the next year. But when my health and strength returned to normal, I thought: “What shall I do with my newfound energy?”

Easy decision. 

Since it was the middle of a cold and dark Canadian December, I decided to . . . hibernate. Yes! Closet myself in a warm corner with a cozy blanket, a good book, hot tea, and an occasional sip of fortifying spirits. Waiting for winter to end. 

That was my plan. But after Christmas, I felt God suggesting I should pay more attention to people. 

“What?” I said. “I’ve just come through a miserable 18 months. I’ve earned some comfort. Why are you bothering me about people? Not my problem.” 

But that quiet inner voice continued–patiently and convictingly creating space in my cold heart, creating hunger to engage in relationship with God and others. But I was cocooned in my warm corner with my warm blanket and my hot tea. So I ignored the inner voice, except to add a couple books on prayer to my reading list. That should be adequate. 

Then one Sunday someone in church announced, “Canada’s program for Ukrainian immigrants is coming to an end, so we anticipate many immigrants this month. Please consider hosting a Ukrainian family.” 

I was convicted. Reluctantly, I  joined the “Edmonton Hosts Ukrainians” Facebook site. I watched post after Facebook post of newcomer families who needed a host. To my immense relief, as each family approached its deadline, a host volunteered. “Good,” I thought, ”if  this pattern holds for a few more weeks, I’ll be free and clear.” Back to my cozy corner reading a cozy mystery.

But the inner voice continued, drawing my attention to the parable of the good Samaritan, especially the priest and the Levite who avoided the injured traveler and left him to die. But of course, that didn’t apply to me, because I looked squarely at Facebook pictures of needy travelers, and watched other people come to their rescue. 

As deadline day loomed, the site posted a hosting request for a couple with a lovely 3-year old daughter. They had left Ukraine because of the war, spent a year and a half in Europe, and were headed for Canada. 

My heart said, “That’s your family” but my mind said, “Wait a bit, someone else will probably host them.” But as the deadline approached with no host, I messaged the site for details. I rented an Airbnb for their arrival, and said a prayer for them and me. 

Then, on the day they were supposed to arrive . . .  they were denied boarding on their flight. 

What to do? Was their problem my problem?  Could I just walk past the needy travelers? What would the Good Samaritan do? 

Tune in next time to hear what happened.

Let’s pray. 

Our father, thank you that Jesus loves needy travelers. Help us to see them with his eyes. Help us to hear his call to leave our warm and selfish comforts, to be involved in the lives of fellow travelers. 

O Jesus, you traveled this earth, you were crucified as an unwelcome stranger, you gave your life to rescue wounded travelers. Show us who we should help. Give us grace and courage and strength to help them. 


I’m Daniel, on the channel “Pray with Me”.  

YouTube channel: Pray with Me – YouTube